Tag Archives: Lemon

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Baked Lemon Thyme Chicken

January 21, 2015

Howdy everyone!

I don’t know about you, but for me, the new year meant some new resolutions, one of which is eating healthier and getting in better shape. I’ll be totally honest, while I couldn’t be happier having a boyfriend as great as Sean, relationship bliss has come with one little drawback: weight gain. It’s not his fault, I’m the one putting the food in my mouth, after all, but dinners out, dinners in and baking goodies for his enjoyment have not left me untouched. Hence, my decision to get serious about taking the weight off this year. Continue reading

Lemony Pork Stir-Fry

September 27, 2014

Do you ever have those weeks where you just can’t get to the grocery store to save your life so you can eat like a normal human? I had that this week. But instead of giving up and ordering take-out last night, I whipped up the quickest stir-fry ever. Continue reading